What To Look For in a New Jersey Messenger Service


Looking for a New Jersey messenger service? There are several things to keep in mind when searching:


Above and beyond all things, your messenger service needs to be able to handle your delivery. Whether it’s the filing of an affidavit or getting a motion in on time, being able to get your order completed is a big part of what counts.

If your messenger service is piggy-backing orders, meaning they’re picking up your delivery, going to three other firms to do the same and THEN delivering – you could wind up with a package that’s missed its deadline. At DGR we make sure to take care of only one order at a time. If you have a delivery, it’s picked up and immediately on its way, giving you top priority.

Customer service and contact

Does your messenger service rush you off the phone? Do you hang up wondering if your package will be delivered correctly? Your messenger service should take their time, making sure they have all the details of the order and reviewing them with you.

Afterward, you should be confident you will be contacted in the event of any unforeseen issues and will also be notified when the package is delivered. Finding out the next day the driver ran into a 17 car pile-up and was unable to make it to the court before it was closed doesn’t help. It would have been useful to know as it was happening so you could contact the court before it closed for the day.

With DGR’s customer service and on line status system, you can be sure we’re keeping you informed.

Knowledge of courts and routes

How familiar is this particular messenger service with the courts? Will they know which specific individual is best to contact at each court in order to make happen what you need done?

Having personal contacts with court individuals as well as knowledge of the court schedules and alternate routes should traffic arise can be priceless. We’ve been around since 1981 and over the years we’ve established relationships with the courts across the state.



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